Introducing our customer accountIntroducing Medallion Labs’ customer account, the standard in getting your food testing done.
Our testing portfolio offers hundreds of assays guaranteed to provide quality data; ensuring your testing goals are met.
Our test library has a complete list of our testing services
You can expect high-quality, reliable results time after time.
The Importance of Physical Food Testing Of all the food tests Medallion Labs conducts annually, physical testing is arguably the most impactful for both customers and producers. While microbial and […]
Navigating the Updated FDA Nutrition Facts Panel: Ensuring Compliance with Medallion Labs In 2020, the FDA finalized significant changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel for packaged foods, impacting both the […]
Many of our clients are ordering dietary fiber tests to meet the FDA changes to nutrition labels in 2020. If your company is wondering how to best test for dietary […]
Regardless of the food product you’re developing, food manufacturers all share common goals – to produce structurally sound products of the highest quality, to offer foods that are competitive in […]
Protein is one of the most vital nutrients within the human diet. Without it, our bodies would not be able to produce enzymes, hormones, or cells; repair damaged tissue; build […]
Our favorite foods evoke a complex interplay of sensations. The velvety texture, the spicy kick, the nostalgic aroma – each element contributes to our overall enjoyment. Sight, smell, taste, and […]
Analytical testing laboratories, like any type of complex system, exhibit an inherent variability that must be assessed and controlled in order to assure quality results. Historically, several methods have been […]