Gluten/Gliadin Allergens Test
- Price
$160 per analysis
- Turnaround time
7-9 Business Days
- Rush

Technical data sheet
- Method description
Samples are extracted based on matrix. Standards and samples are added to the wells, and present gliadin will bind to specific capture antibodies. The result is an antibody-antigen-complex. Components not bound by the antibodies are then removed in a washing step. Antibody conjugated to peroxidase is added and this antibody-conjugate is bound to the Ab-Ag complex. Any unbound enzyme conjugate is then removed in a washing step. Enzyme substrate and chromogen are added to the wells and incubated. Bound enzyme conjugate converts the colorless chromagen into a blue product. The addition of the stop reagent leads to a color change from blue to yellow. The measurement is made photometrically at 450 nm. The absorbance is proportional to the gliadin concentration of the sample. This result is then multiplied by 2 in order to obtain the gluten concentration (gliadin usually represents 50% of the proteins present in gluten).
- Acceptable matrices
Raw and processed foods
- Unacceptable matrices
Matrices that are incapable of dissolving in an 80% alcohol solution.
Concentrated food additives, colors, and flavors may cause interference in this analysis.
Hydrolyzed and fermented proteins may not be detected using ELISA methods for allergen testing. Due to the breakdown of the proteins into small peptides or amino acids, they may become undetectable by this assay, but still could be allergenic and cause an allergic reaction.
- Limit of quantitation
Lower LOQ = 10 ppm
Upper LOQ = 80 ppm
- Equipment
Microwell Strip Reader
- Method reference
- Reportable unit
- Sample size requirements
100 grams
- Additional information
This method is intended for the quantitative analysis of prolamins (plant storage proteins having high content of the amino acid proline) originating from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin), and barley (hordein).
Common Gluten/Gliadin Allergens Test Testing Questions
We make every effort to keep our methods and detection limits up to date according to the latest standards and qualifications. If you have any questions regarding the limit of detection/quantification or method references, please contact our Customer Service team at 1-800-245-5615.
Our standard turnaround time is 10 business days for most assays. There are some assays that require a longer turnaround time. We also offer a RUSH service that is half the time of the standard turnaround time of the assay at double the cost of the assay. A few assays that we provide cannot be rushed due to the nature of the test. Please check the specific assay you are interested in regarding the ability to RUSH the turnaround time.
Our LOQ is 10 ppb (parts per billion).
With all regulation questions, we recommend that each of our clients works directly with a lawyer or consultant that is knowledgable for proper labeling. This test is a great part of a toolkit to ensure that products are properly labeled and safe for gluten sensitive individuals, however, Gluten Free labeling is more involved than a single test.
Our food testing experts are here to help.
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