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Fiber Testing Guide

Find the Ideal Dietary Fiber Testing Method for Your Needs

As the industry experts in fiber, Medallion Labs offer several dietary fiber methods to achieve your testing goals. It is important to note that many of these methods are not one-size-fits-all. That's why we've put together this guide - to help you choose the best approach for your specific needs.

Disclaimer: Follow our simple steps to make your selection. This tool is meant as a guide, however, test selection is the responsibility of the customer. If you need assistance, request help from our team.

Medallion Lab’s Fiber Testing Capabilities
Please reach out if you still have questions about choosing your fiber method.

Please reach out if you still have questions about choosing your fiber method.

Fiber source
Component preferences

Whats your fiber source?

Choosing the optimal fiber method starts with the fiber source(s). Locate your fiber source(s) in the list.

*You will use this information in the next step to select the method.

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Select one or more options
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Fiber source
Component preferences

What's the optimal method?

Select the method that best captures your fiber source.

Compare each method and select the method that best encompasses your fiber source. The dietary fiber method optimal for your fiber source(s) is shown by the letter representing it appearing fully inside the method circle.

If your fiber source is outside or touching the edge of the circle, that method will not fully capture the fiber from the source(s).

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AOAC Method 2001.03 with AOAC Method 991.43 AOAC Method 2017.16 or AOAC Method 2022.01 AOAC Method 991.43 AOAC Method 2009.01 or AOAC Method 2011.25
Select one option

Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Cellulose | Beta-Glucan | Psyllium | Gums | Lignin
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Galactomannan | Arabinoxylan | Glucomannan
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS4
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Resistant Starch RS2 & RS3
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Pectin | Alginates | Arabinogalactin | Isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Polydextrose | Fibersol®-2 | Resistant Maltodextrins | Soluble Corn Fiber (SCF)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Fructans (Inulin, FOS)
Fiber source
Component preferences

Which fiber components fit your needs?

Which fiber components fit your needs?

Please select if you require a detailed breakdown of total, soluble and insoluble fiber, or just the total fiber.

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Select one option

Selecting Insoluble/Soluble will provide the Total, Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fiber results.

Selecting Total fiber will provide only the Total Dietary Fiber results.

Based on your input, we’ve selected the option that appears to align best with your needs

Medallion Lab’s Fiber Testing Capabilities

Total, Soluble & Insoluble Fiber Tests Method
Fiber (CODEX Definition) - Total, Soluble, InsolubleYour selection AOAC 2011.25
Fiber (Gravimetric) - Total, Soluble, InsolubleYour selection AOAC 991.43 with modifications
Fiber (Rapid Integrated Method) - Total, Soluble, InsolubleYour selection AOAC 2022.01 with modifications
Fiber (Resistant Oligosaccharides) - Total, Soluble, InsolubleYour selection AOAC 2001.03 with AOAC 991.43 digestion
Total Fiber Tests Method
Fiber (CODEX Definition) - TotalYour selection AOAC 2009.01
Fiber (Gravimetric) - TotalYour selection AOAC 991.43 with modifications
Fiber (Rapid Integrated Method) - TotalYour selection AOAC 2017.16 with modifications
Fiber (Resistant Oligosaccharides) - TotalYour selection AOAC 2001.03 with AOAC 991.43 digestion
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Frequently asked questions

Some matrices require special method variations to complete testing. Please call out any of the following ingredients:

  • Gums: Xanthan, Guar, and/or Acacia Gums
  • Fiber Ingredients: Tapioca Fiber, FiberSym, Galactomannan, and Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC)
  • Thickeners: Konjac, Psyllium, Fenugreek, and Carrageenan
  • Sweeteners: Stevia

Our online form will have prompts when selecting dietary fiber testing that may ask about special ingredients. Please select all appropriate prompts to ensure that we carry out the most accurate testing

RS4 is a sensitive fiber ingredient that requires special prep to ensure accurate testing.

According to the 2020 FDA guidelines, AOAC 2011.25 is the recommended fiber method for nutritional labels. This method, however, may not capture fiber best for every sample matrix or fiber source and it is important to carefully review fiber sources and regulations for your product and labeling.

While IMO is not currently considered a dietary fiber in the United States, several of our fiber methods will include IMO in the fiber result if the ingredient is present. Medallion Labs will not be able to adjust the fiber results to take into account the IMO content. If IMO ingredients are being used, adjustments may be needed for accurate labeling in the United States and we recommend companies to work with a food consultant or regulation expert.

Depending on the Fiber testing you select different fiber components will be reported. Here are the different kinds of fiber captured in each one:

  • Insoluble Dietary Fiber: Non-digestible insoluble fiber
  • Soluble Dietary Fiber Gravimetric: High molecular weight fiber
  • Soluble Dietary Fiber HPLC: Very soluble fiber, long chain carbohydrates or low molecular weight soluble fiber
  • Soluble Dietary Fiber Total: Non-digestible soluble fiber
  • Total Dietary Fiber: Sum of the Insoluble and Soluble dietary fiber

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